Monday, August 11, 2014

Finding U in God's Truth

Finding U in God’s TRUTH

You may say: “Oh, she’s soooo pretty!”, “That outfit is giving me LIFE!”, “I can see why he’s with her.” But in your mind, you may be thinking: “I wish my hair was longer.”, “I look awful in bright colored tops!”, “Why don’t I have a boyfriend yet?”
We’ve all been there. Dealing with our self-esteem issues. It’s a daily struggle for some of us. Can I be real with y’all? I chose to go natural last November and I had all my hair cut off. At first, I felt so free and excited about my decision. But the next morning………I looked in the mirror and HATED what I saw. I thought I looked UGLY!! All because of my hair! I had come to define myself, my beauty, by my relaxed hair! I felt very uncomfortable. I still had to go to work, though. I still needed to take care of things around my home, so staying in the house wasn’t an option! I work with high school students and so my first day at work after my big chop was rough, to say the least! I kept being asked, “Ms. Patrick, why did you cut off all your hair?” I didn’t have a truthful answer or brave response. Of course, I said things like, “Because I wanted to………”, or “Because I like it.” But, if I were honest with myself, I just wanted my hair to be healthier. My hair had begun to break and started thinning, so I felt I could try going to a natural style. Y’all, I was so agitated with my students’ questions! Why? They didn’t mean any harm! It’s because I felt my identity was in my hair! I couldn’t be pretty, beautiful or cute without my hair “fried, dyed and laid to the side!”(this used to be my catch phrase when I had a fresh relaxer)
Can I unload another truth on you? I’ve never thought of myself as pretty or beautiful. Yep, NEVER. Why, you ask? Because society dictates what makes young ladies beautiful: light-skinned, long hair, slim waist, curvy hips, big butt, etc. These are just a few of the characteristics I feel women are judged on and I don’t feel I measure up. Again I felt less than, awkward, that I was missing something. I began to get depressed and down. I distanced myself from family and friends. I sat at home, not wanting to go anywhere or do anything…..I was down in the dumps. But then I remembered this verse in the Bible that says, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made”-Psalm 139:14. Fearfully and wonderfully made? Who ME? According to God’s words, YES ME! I began to pray that I would see myself the way God sees me and immediately scripture verses came to mind:
Proverbs 31:30-“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”
I Samuel 16:7-“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.” The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
I had just read 3 scriptures reminding me that in God’s eyes I was beautiful! I was to be praised! Not because my makeup looks so pretty or my hair is perfectly done, but because I am a woman seeking to do God’s will! I am a woman who fears God and wants to fulfill His purpose for my life! Because of these truths ladies, I am able to hold my head up HIGH! What God says about me, how He sees me, outweighs any of society’s standards and my own insecurities! I can’t be secure in Christ and not be secure in myself. It doesn’t work! If you struggle with your own self-esteem hang-ups, then you have to remind yourself who God says you are, how God sees you! How do you do that? (1) Keep seeking Him through daily prayer. (2) Read your Bible. (3) Write down your thoughts and/or feelings and trust that God’s word is designed to uplift us, not tear us down. I want to end this post with a few affirmations for you. According to God in His word:
You are Blessed
You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
You are Redeemed
You are Forgiven
You are Favored

I pray this post blesses you and if you feel led, please share with another young lady or young woman that may be in need of some encouragement. God Bless and until next time………………
Check Back soon for upcoming posts!

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