Sunday, September 28, 2014

Practice What I Speak

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Practice What I Speak

Why did I want to start this blog? I wanted to help young people, especially young ladies, to find who they are in Christ! It can be hard when the world seeks to dictate standards that don’t align with God’s standards. I even struggle at times. But, it’s my sincere desire to shine God’s light wherever I go and reach as many young women that I can! With that being said, I too, have to practice what I speak!

One area that many struggle with, including myself, is the area of dating. Let me keep it all the way REAL! There are some text messages and some phone numbers that I needed to delete a LOOONNNG time ago! Why did I hang on to those fools? Here’s why: because at my age, according to society, I should be dating and/or married. So there HAS to be something wrong with ME, right?! Reality check: entertaining these men, no matter the reason, was allowing me to be disobedient to God! Why should I worry about dating when God has already provided an outline for it? Proverbs 18:22-”The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.” All we need to do is trust God’s timing and His perfect plan. Don’t let your worth be tied to your relationship status!

Another area that requires lots of practice is the words we use A.K.A. our mouth! Now, for those of you who really know me, you know that sometimes I get so caught up in a situation that I use words unbecoming for a lady. Plainly speaking, I will cuss like a sailor! I DO NOT condone my use of profanity, I just want to let you all know I struggle to just walk away at times. Ever been in a long line at the grocery store and undisciplined kids are running all around and you’re hungry? Ever been cut off in traffic on your way to work? Hmmm, right now I already know what I would do and say! I’m not thinking about being a representative for God at those times, I’m thinking of going off! Well, as much as I want to go off, I need to practice restraint! Ephesians 4:29-”Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Well, there we have it. If it’s not helping, I need to keep my lips shut!

Lastly, our daily life may be the hardest struggle of all. Y’all this is when it gets real too! We can’t be good people on Sunday and act a HOT MESS Monday through Saturday! No boo-boo, that ain’t gonna work! (excuse my grammar LOL) For me, personally, I have to be more intentional during the week to make sure someone sees Jesus in me. Did you hear me? Not for others to see ME, but JESUS  at work within me! How? By encouraging others with my words, by waiting on God, by following His plans and not my own. Proverbs 16:3-”Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed.” I don’t have to post a scripture everyday on Facebook(really that doesn’t show anything but that I’m good at copying and pasting). What I do daily, how I show love to others is my story. That should be enough!
Maybe you have similar areas you need to work on or maybe your personal struggles are a bit different. What I hope you get out of this post is that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. There is a blueprint that has been specifically designed for us to use and apply to our daily lives, God’s word! Really putting forth an effort and seeking God’s help, can turn any struggle into an amazing story! I hope and pray this post will encourage you and that you will share it with others. Until next time, be blessed…….

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